LeetCode Solutions 64
My solutions to some LeetCode-style coding problems.
- python
Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock
- javascript
- arrays
Binary Search
- python
- javascript
- binary search
Binary Tree Inorder Traversal
- python
- binary trees
- inorder traversal
- dfs
Binary Tree Postorder Traversal
- python
- binary trees
- postorder traversal
- dfs
Binary Tree Preorder Traversal
- python
- binary trees
- preorder traversal
- dfs
Climbing Stairs
- python
- javascript
- memoization
- dynamic programming
- fibonacci
Contains Duplicate
- python
- hash table
Defanging an IP Address
- javascript
- strings
Delete Node in a Linked List
- python
- linked lists
- in-place
Drop Right While
- javascript
- typescript
- arrays
Drop While
- javascript
- typescript
- arrays
Excel Sheet Column Number
- python
- math
- strings
Find Pivot Index
- python
- prefix sum
Find the Middle Index in Array
- python
- lists
Find the Index of the First Occurrence in a String
- javascript
- strings
Fizz Buzz
- python
- javascript
- arrays
- recursion
Happy Number
- python
Implement Queue using Stacks
- javascript
- stack
- queue
Invert Binary Tree
- javascript
- binary tree
- bfs
- dfs
Is Subsequence
- javascript
- typescript
- string
- two pointers
Kids With the Greatest Number of Candies
- javascript
- typescript
- array
Length of Last Word
- javascript
- strings
Longest Common Prefix
- python
- strings
Longest Substring Without Repeating Characters
- javascript
- strings
- hash tables
Majority Element
- python
- hash tables
- sorting
Merge Sorted Array
- javascript
- array
- sorting
- two pointers
Merge Two Sorted Lists
- python
- javascript
- linked lists
- sorting
Move Zeroes
- python
- javascript
- in-place
- two pointers
Moving Median
- javascript
- arrays
- median
Number of Good Pairs
- javascript
- hash table
Detect the Only Duplicate in a List
- python
- two pointers
- array
Palindrome Number
- python
- palindrome
Pascal's Triangle I
- python
- arrays
Pascal's Triangle II
- python
- arrays
Plus One
- javascript
- array
Remove Duplicates from Sorted Array
- javascript
- arrays
Remove Duplicates from Sorted List
- python
- data structures
- linked list
Remove Element
- javascript
- arrays
- in-place
Remove Linked List Elements
- python
- linked lists
Reverse Integer
- javascript
- math
Reverse Linked List
- python
- linked lists
Reverse String
- python
Reverse Vowels of a String
- javascript
- typescript
- string
- two pointers
Reverse Words in a String
- javascript
- typescript
- string
- python
Roman to Integer
- python
- math
- numbers
Running Sum of a 1D Array
- python
- prefix sum
Search Insertion Position
- javascript
- arrays
Single Number II
- python
Single Number
- python
Sliding Window Median
- python
- sliding window
- arrays
Sort Array By Parity
- javascript
- arrays
Squares of a Sorted Array
- javascript
- two pointers
- array
To Lower Case
- javascript
- strings
Tree Constructor
- javascript
- binary tree
Two Sum
- python
- javascript
- typescript
Undirected Path
- python
- graph
- traversal
Unique Paths
- javascript
- dynamic programming
Valid Anagram
- javascript
- strings
- hash tables
Valid Palindrome II
- javascript
- strings
- dynamic programming
Valid Palindrome
- javascript
- python
- palindrome
Valid Parentheses
- python
- stack